

In order to use the integration kit, you need to make sure you have the following three items:

  • The resource file
  • The keystore file
  • The alias for the terminal

You also need to setup a web application to receive the return hooks from the service.

You can use, which is a simple website that just dumps whatever is sent to it.


The payment process involves HTML redirection. This kit provides the redirection target, and the code you can use to decrypt the results.

The first step is to generate the redirection url:

from pyipay import Gateway

resource_file = r'/path/to/resource/resource.cgn'
keystore_file = r'/path/to/keystore/keystore.bin'
alias = 'SampleTerminal'
redirect_url = ''
error_url = ''

# Generate an instance of the gateway

gw = Gateway(resource_file, keystore_file, alias, 1.234)
gw.response_url = redirect_url
gw.error_url = error_url
url = gw.generate_purchase_request()

generate_purchase_request() will return a URL, which you need to redirect the customer to. The gateway will then respond to your redirect and error URLs.

The response needs to be decoded:

result = gw.get_result(response_body)

Now result will be a dictionary with the following values:

Key Type Notes
paymentid Numeric A numeric payment id
result Alpha The result, ie. “CAPTURED”
auth Alphanumeric The authorization code
amt Numeric The amount of the transaction
ref Alphanumeric The transaction reference
postdate Numeric MMDD, the date the transaction is posted. It may be blank if the transaction is pending.
trackid Numeric Merchant’s trackid
tranid Numeric A reference from the payment gateway for this transaction. Required for refunds, etc.
avr Alphanumeric The address verification response
authRespCode Alphanumeric The reason code for the transaction. Used for validation.
Error Numeric A numeric error code (optional)
ErrorText Alphanumeric A text representation of the error (optional)

It is crucial that you save the above values, as this serves as an official record of the transaction; in addition for inquiry or refund transaction you need values from the initial transaction.